New Album 2021
As we already indicated... Now we officially announce that there will be a new An Spiorad album, planned for late 2021. The songs are all written and selected. At the moment we are eagerly working (for corona-reasons each for themselves) on the arrangements.

The album is going to be the second and last part of our Irish topics series and is meant to be continuing the successful story of our recent album "Dord na Mara". While this first part dealt with sea faring, piracy and emigration our upcoming work called "An Turas Mór" (the big journey) will pick out homesickness, returning and arrival as its central themes and complete the circle. Not only musicwise and thematically but also visually the album will show certain parallels to its prequel.
Some of the songs you have already had the chance listening to while our last concerts and we hope you will like the rest of them, as well. So stay tuned, and when it's time to get back on stage, we will definitely present you the one or the other song appearing on the album.
Talk soon,
An Spiorad